Conversatio Fide (conversations of faith) is a podcast - conversations with emerging leaders, church planters, pastors, spiritual directors, and regular folk about God, faith, church, life, and stuff like that. Pax!
Friday, June 03, 2005
From David Finch: Praystation
David did such a great job with this post that i'll just copy n paste:

"This is awesome! Father Roderick Vonhögen, a Catholic priest from the Archdiocese of Utrecht, The Netherlands (who has received a lot of press from his podcast, Catholic Insider) has
done it again. Praystation is a podcast that you can download to your computer, iPod, or any MP3 player and pray the morning and evening prayers.
includes music, a poem or hymn, a psalm, a short reading from the Bible and
some other prayers. This is so awesome to pray the Liturgy of the Hours at
anytime, anywhere. LINK"

Nice. Thanks David.

posted by Aaron @ 4:10 PM | 1 comments


Hey, I'm going to swipe some of your links, and feel free to steal from me as well, or just link to zoecarnate audio madness directly.

Great job!

By Blogger Mike Morrell, at 6/17/2005 1:00 AM  

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