Conversatio Fide (conversations of faith) is a podcast - conversations with emerging leaders, church planters, pastors, spiritual directors, and regular folk about God, faith, church, life, and stuff like that. Pax!
Friday, May 20, 2005
Phyllis Tickle seminar - notes
I must admit I take odd notes. I tend to be rather non-linear and sometimes cryptic. I write phrases and words that capture my imagination, books referrenced for further exploration, and if I had a tablet PC there would be drawings and more color.... but for what it's worth... here are the notes from a seminar Phyllis Tickle did:

(oh, and i DID record this .... but i forgot to turn my mic on so it was 1:40 of silence... ugh.)

Phyllis Tickle

1859 - Reformation began to come to an end and/or new reformation began (Charles Darwin published)

Sola Scriptora - Scriptora Sola

Civil War........................... 1902=Einstein

Henry Ford.... automobile... industralizing..... losing grandma.

1906 - albert sweitzer famous organist..... "my god what if jesus of nazareth and the christ of history not the same" - - - - the question asked in the public forum.

same time... Azusa Street Revival.... birth of pentecostalism (one of most significant in the history of christian church)

1960s.... spiritual not religious

1935-37 - AA by Bill Wilson (the Force was born)

WWII - advances in medicine phenomenal... penicillin replaced the preacher/prayer

by 1980 Jesus became a Jew (again)

Rosie > June Cleaver > Susie - - - women abolition

1962 birth control

1969 open borders to asians..... buddhists.... spiritual world

Ponenburg (german theologian/sociologist):

four groups:
1. Liturgical
2. Social Justice
3. Charismatics/Pentecostals (experiential in their authority)
4. Conservatives (theo-cratics) (includes evangelicals)

as hierarchil relationship breaks down (which will because the family hierarchy has broken down)

becoming blurred in the center.... called the "beloved community" (martin luther king)

as the energy comes to the center and emerges >>>> the new christianity >>>>> splintering off of 10-13% that try regress.

center = wonderful, marvelous... but problems... where are education, leadership, benefits

"generous orthodoxy is the most significant book of the new millenium. 200 years from now that book will stand as what the center is"

2 christianities:
1. civic christian (martin marty)
2. observant chrisitan (costs you something)

nothing more frightening than a socially acceptable religion

americans roughly 83% claim to be christian
questioned - virgin birth

book - robert redman - "great worship awakening"

book - karen armstrong - "struggle for god"

orthonomy - "right harmony/relationship"

raschuce - "theonomy" - evangelicals must take this


fly fishing analogy - what is "freedom" for the emerging church? ie what forms/possible futures for the new rose?
how does emerging (digital) technology play into this (new rose) on a north american and global context?

posted by Aaron @ 10:14 PM | 1 comments


Education... training... knowledge... and attending any get motivated seminar.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/23/2005 12:51 PM  

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