Conversatio Fide (conversations of faith) is a podcast - conversations with emerging leaders, church planters, pastors, spiritual directors, and regular folk about God, faith, church, life, and stuff like that. Pax!
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
a community's voice - part one
Well, finally, here's part one of my interviews with members of Vine & Branches Christian Community in Lexington, Kentucky, USA. This is the community of which I am a part, that I planted and among whom I am an overseer. As I said, I thought it would be helpful and interesting to hear perspectives on some folks who are in a church like this, where they've come from and why they're here.

> We start with Kyle Potter tonight. More later. Peace.
> File approximately 5.9mb

posted by + Alan @ 11:53 PM | 4 comments

conversatio fide :: a podcast :: copyright © 2005